
Showing posts from May, 2020


Here is another one of my misadventures... 23.02.2020, Sunday My mother was out of town. She had gone to Jalandhar for a few days. It was only my father and me at home in Gopalpur. The two of us decided to go to a restaurant for lunch. So, he got our motorcycle out of the garage (because our car was a Bhubaneshwar) and we decided to go to "Swosti Chilika Resort". I was excited. I had never been there before and it would be so much fun to go there on the bike!! We got dressed quickly and got our helmets. Then, we were ready for departure!  The resort was really far away. We kept riding for a long long time. We took a small stop near the Rushikulya river. We were standing on the bridge and we were enjoying it. The wind was blowing and it was quite cool, the sound of the flowing water was amazing, and the view overall was just beautiful. There was some construction going on over there but we didn't mind and neither did the workers. We got back on the bike and continued the j

A Strange Voyage

Have you ever been on a strange voyage? I surely have!! You might find this strange but this actually happened to me. Actually, it was like this:      One day after preparing the lunch, I was sitting with a book out in the garden. The sweet sunshine was making me doze. Suddenly, I heard someone call out to me. I looked around but, couldn’t see anyone.       “Here Zara,” said the squeaky voice, “I am on the arm of your chair.”        “Wh- what?” I said and looked to find a tiny Black Spider. I rubbed my eyes for surely it couldn’t be the spider talking to me!!         “Hello Zara” said the spider raising a pair of arms – or was it its legs??- As if it was trying to shake hands with me.         “I am Spindrift and I have come to take you to the planet, Jupiter with me” it said.         “Jupiter-me-go to Jupiter-Jupiter, the planet with you?!”I asked. The idea seemed ridiculous to me.        “Yes, to Jupiter. You see the Jupiterites want to see an Earthling and the scientist