Here is another one of my misadventures...

23.02.2020, Sunday

My mother was out of town. She had gone to Jalandhar for a few days. It was only my father and me at home in Gopalpur. The two of us decided to go to a restaurant for lunch. So, he got our motorcycle out of the garage (because our car was a Bhubaneshwar) and we decided to go to "Swosti Chilika Resort". I was excited. I had never been there before and it would be so much fun to go there on the bike!!

Excited Disney GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

We got dressed quickly and got our helmets. Then, we were ready for departure! 

The resort was really far away. We kept riding for a long long time. We took a small stop near the Rushikulya river.

We were standing on the bridge and we were enjoying it. The wind was blowing and it was quite cool, the sound of the flowing water was amazing, and the view overall was just beautiful. There was some construction going on over there but we didn't mind and neither did the workers. We got back on the bike and continued the journey. 

Spongebob Two Hours Later GIF | Gfycat

Just kidding... About half an hour later,

We could see the lake. The Chilika lake was large and beautiful. The blue water was glistening in the sunlight. We took a few photos in front of the lake from a hill. We were standing on one of the hills from the Eastern Ghats while looking at the lake.

chilika lake odisha | Budget Indian Vacations

We stayed there for a while and drank some water. It was a hot day here in Odisha. Staying near the lake where cool winds were blowing, we felt really good. In a few minutes, we went to the bike again and traveled ahead. Pretty soon, we saw a billboard that said- "Swosti Chilika Resort this way". I got excited and I said to my father, "YAY!!! PAPA, WE ARE ABOUT TO REACH!!!" 

In a very short while (after crossing a few railway crossings) we saw it... We had reached the Swosti Chilika Resort. I was really happy. We went to the gate. The guard welcomed us and then asked if we were guests. My father told him, "We are here to eat lunch. Is the restaurant opened?" The guard said, "I am sorry but the resort is fully booked because of a wedding. The food today is for the hotel residents (those who have booked rooms basically) only. So, I cannot let you go to the restaurant." My father said, " We have come from Gopalpur which is really far away..." The guard apologized and we went back home. We waited at the petrol pump to get some petrol for the bike. My father called my mom.

Mom: "Hello..."
Dad: "Hello"
Mom: "How was your food? Did you have lunch yet?
Dad: "No... you see *tells story*
Mom: "Oh! That is sad. How is Zara?"
Dad: "She is okay."
Mom: "Did she cry?"
Dad: "No no! She is perfectly fine."
Mom: "Really?! That is great!
Dad: "True. We are on our way home. I will call when we reached."
*Hangs Up*

We got on the bike again and headed home. I was quite tired and began to fall asleep. I knew I could not because if I did, I would fall off of the bike. We reached home really quick. I was not sleepy anymore. I asked my father, "What can I have for lunch Papa?" He smiled and said that I could have "Maggi Noodles" and that made me so so so so so so so so so so so so so HAPPY!!!

Image - 578163] | Reaction Images | Know Your Meme

After relishing my favorite noodles, we decided to go to "Mayfair" for dinner.  At night, we both got dressed and went to Mayfair on our bike. There we were stopped by the guard who asked us to park the bike outside because of a "policy". My father was angry. He said, "Is this some new policy? We have been here so many times. No one told us about this "POLICY"? The guard did not know what to say. My father angrily turned the bike and we went back home again. I was now worried about dinner as we hadn't prepared anything. My father allowed me to have Maggi again!!

That day did not turn out the way I had hoped but it was still one of the best days ever!!


  1. What a day it was ....... Papa daughter ride ...... Wonderful


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