
Showing posts from June, 2020

-_- Another Great Experience I Guess...

Before anyone says something, I know I am late... I've been busy with stuff and I couldn't post. I promise that I will try to make up for it. AnYwAyS... let's get to the topic... WHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE CARTOON CHARACTER? This may as well be that trillion-dollar question people talk about. If it were up to me, I would come up with a whole list. I cannot choose just one! I mean, just think about it! Can you choose one out of them? But if this question had been asked to me a few years ago, I would have undoubtedly said "Shinchan". I was a huge fan. Well... I guess I still kinda am. I just haven't watched cartoons in a while. There was a movie of his that was named " Treasure of the Buri Buri Kingdom " and by far that was one of my favorite movies. Have you watched it? If you have, I must congratulate you. If you haven't... what can I say?  Anyways, back when I was five, (or was it 6? Maybe 7?) in Delhi, there was this event going on at the Ambiance m