
Showing posts from September, 2020


 *DISCLAIMER* I am... truly sorry. I don't know why I get late.. But this time, I have a reason! I was kinda stuck while writing so... hehehehe. Also, I didn't realize but I changed Elena's name to Emma... I JUST saw that so... she is now Emma. Anyways... Back to the story! Fei had tears in her eyes. She screamed, "MOM! MOM ARE YOU OKAY?! M-mom... MOM!!" She was now crying... tears fell from her big eyes. Her mother lay on the ground, not moving even a bit. She knelt down and saw that there was blood under her mother. She was crying loudly and Emma was crying too. Her father was still on the phone. Fei could hear him over her crying. He was yelling, "MOLLY?! Fei is that you? What happened?! Why are you crying!??!?! Molly? Molly are you okay? Mei? Helllo? Anyone there?!" With her hands trembling, Fei took the phone and answered in a low, shaky voice, "H-hello d-d-dad... I-it's me... Fei." "Fei? Are you crying?" "Y-yes... M-mom