Lock Down: What to do?

Thanks to COVID-19, we are now all in our homes. It is a good thing but the major question is- What in the world do we do to engage ourselves? While on lock down, there is not much one can do. A lot of fun stuff like going to malls, playing outside, meeting friends, going to parks, getting exercise etc. are off the list of activities. I actually feel a little bad for all the pets. I wonder what they do when they need to go for a walk, or do their business. Hmm... perhaps now their master have trained them to go to the loo for their important businesses. Well, at least I do not have to worry about a pet... because I don't have one.
Anyways... back to the major question. What to do during this lock down? We cannot go outside. We cannot go even for ice cream! We need to think of ways to keep ourselves occupied. For all those out there who have wifi/internet, water, food, a mobile phone/tablet/computer, can read this blog and are bored out of their minds, GET READY for some great ideas coming your way!

1.  There is this amazing website called "scratch". If you already knew about it, good job you are not getting a prize. For those who didn't know, scratch is a website that allows you to create games, animations etc. using either presets or characters you upload on your own! To open scratch, search (or simply click on this link -->)  scratch.mit.edu and start creating! You can add backgrounds, motions, voices and so much more!

2. Another great option is that if you have a good network connection and a Netflix account, why not try out a new series? No one is stopping you.

3. A great idea is to try your hand at drawing (you know if you have paper, pencil, colors or whatever it is that you use) or painting... maybe realism. Just get a piece of paper and let your creativity flow! You do not need a canvas to create something marvelous. Some great art ideas are enlisted below
  • Realistic self portrait
  • Blindfolded drawing challenge
  • (If a printer is available) Print out a color by number sheet and fill it up
  • Make slime and use it to make art (if glue and some sort of activator is available)
  • Portrait of famous personalities
  • Try digital art
  • Try to learn illustration
  • etc... (as in 'end of thinking capability')

4. If art is not your thing, try your hand at crafting. You can make so many diy projects and become a DIY QUEEN (or king you know..) You can make anything from miniatures to your own clothes!

5. Try learning how to play a musical instrument. You don't need a real life teacher to help you learn. It would be better with a human teacher but at times like this, you know it is not possible. Unless... someone in your family can play. In that case I am mistaken about the possibility. But seriously... this is a very good idea and is sure to keep you busy for a long time.

6. What about trying to learn a new language? Take this time to learn how to be fluent in other languages. At least if not fluent, know how to speak it a little. You can learn Hindi, Korean, English, Spanish, French, German, etc.

7. You can even write blogs here and share experiences, ideas and so much more!

8. You can make your own YouTube channel as well and make "vlogs" stating what all you do everyday during lock down. You don't need crazy ideas to have an account... sorry channel on YouTube. You can make tutorial videos, reaction videos etc. basically stuff you do not need too much of materials for.

9. You can make a small stop-action movie. In this, you take any action figure(s) of your choice. Then using a camera, you take some photos. Make sure to slightly change the position of the action figure after each snap. Remember that the position should have a very slight difference. Click as many pictures as you want. Now all you need is to upload these photos onto your laptop (or if you have used a mobile phone, then just skip the uploading) and a video editing software. Windows OS has a video editor in it by default. You can dub for your stars along with your family, add some extra sound effects and voila! Your movie is ready director. To show it to people, you can always make a projector using a shoe box and a magnifying glass. Or you can simply show it on a computer.

10. All of us should master one skill in this time. That skill is called "cooking". If not cooking, we all can practice baking. The internet is full of recipes and tutorials that we can take inspiration from. You can always search YouTube for lots of tutorials. Bon Apetit!
Well... those are all the suggestions I have so far. If I have anymore, I will let you all know.
Stay safe, Stay healthy!


  1. Very well written... Glad that you do these things.. Keep writing.. Love you Zara

    1. Thank you!
      I am happy you like them

  2. Know yourself..... you're bundle of talent.....just bash on regardless...... you'll go places..... Happiness and more.....Sweet Zara

  3. Another great achievement of my darling Zara,u are not leaving any stone untouched,utilising ur holidays in best positive way exploring ur hidden talents... keep rising n stay blessed always....lods of luv to u💖💖💖💖

    1. Thank you so so much.
      This is very sweet of you
      I really hope you enjoy reading the upcoming blogs

  4. great ideas ..... lets make some videos...


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