Nowadays, with the spread of the CORONA VIRUS, students are told not to go to school. A lot of my friends (and a little part of me) were very happy as no school meant getting up late, playing all day, no homework and no studying. Everyone was enjoying their freedom from school. Then, one fine day (as if corona virus wasn't enough) a new villain called "Online School" was introduced to us. That was the moment when we all knew that those two weeks that we had enjoyed, the two weeks we could sleep in till late were now history. We needed to do something. But, of course we cannot do anything. Our parents were accomplices of the new villain and we were merely the victims.
I was told about online school a day before the school was supposed to be starting. A part of me was sad, a part was happy and another part was panicking. I did not know what class I am in (well.. the section) nor did I know the time table. A few hours later, I was told that the sections would remain the same. In the evening, we got a message
tellingordering us to check our time tables on the school website. I logged in to the website. I was very confused once I did. That was because according to the website, my section was 'C' but, if the sections were to remain the same as last year, I should have been in the section 'B'. I quickly took my mother's phone and texted my friend; Agent Potato!

Me: Oi! Agent Potato! Why is the website showing me in your section? I am supposed to be in the other class! Your class teacher is our coordinator. Ask her!!!!!!!!!             
Potato: Calm down dude. Can you send me the photo of the time table once? It is so that I can send it to ma'am and clear the doubt.                        Me: Okay. *sends a photo*                                                                                      Potato: Perfect. Now I will send it to ma'am and see what she says about this.                   
Me: Thanks!                                                                                                                                                            *Agent Potato is now offline*

My heart was beating loudly. I did not know where I belonged! Well... I was being overly dramatic. I waited and waited and waited and waited for a long long time but there was still no reply from Agent Potato. I was very worried. But I went to sleep soon.
The next day, I woke up and ran to get dressed. After that, I asked my mom about the messages and she gave me her phone. I quickly searched for Agent Potato. I texted

Me: What did ma'am say dude?                                                                              Potato: Ma'am apologized for being late. I took a screenshot of what she said. What let me send it to you. *sends the screenshot*                                  Me: Okay! Thank you so much!                                                                              Potato: No problems! You are in the section B. BAIIIIIIIIII                                                                 
       *Agent Potato is now offline*

I jumped a little and quickly downloaded my time table. Nothing much happened in the first week. In the second week, we were supposed to have a class test. An English test. An online test?! I... I couldn't believe it. Why would they conduct tests online? Then I thought that maybe they would prepare a question paper and then send it online and we would have to solve it on a website . I was partially correct...
What actually happened was that the teacher prepared the question paper and sent it to us. Then we were told that we had to solve it on a piece of paper and then upon finishing it, post it on a class group chat! That was the easiest way for someone who hadn't prepared to cheat off of other people's papers. Despite of this, only 10 students appeared for the test. I thought that a lot more people would come. I was mistaken. Anyways... I began writing my test and it was quite easy.
I guess that is all I have to say for the time being but I am sure that soon, I will have more to share.♥♥ 


  1. Just go on ......this is something you'll remember always..... Life events.....all the best Zara.....😇👏

  2. Talented girl zara... Btfly penned thoughts 👍👍

  3. Well done Zara .Keep it up❤

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much
      Don't worry! There is a lot more content!
      I won't stop.

  5. very well written Zara ...... keep writing


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