Part 2: The Story Of Fei Rodriguez

Hello Readers! I am back today with the second part of the story. Hope you enjoy it!!

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Part 2

When she opened her eyes, she realized that she had transformed into what her specie was. She looked around and saw herself in a small mirror behind her. Her ebony hair was now open and flowing with a diamond crown on her head. She was wearing a dress that flowed like water with flat sandals. Her face was glowing with a new radiance and she felt as if the world was all hers. She was surrounded by light and she could not see anyone. "Did they all leave already," she wondered. "Or are they still here?' 

Suddenly, she heard someone shout, "FEI! FEI ARE YOU THERE!! FEI!" She yelled back, "YES! I am HERE!" She started looking around and then saw that the mirror had disappeared. There was now a small board (similar to the one in the messenger clouds) where the mirror once was. She put her hand on it... nothing happened. She thought that maybe it has no purpose. She then turned around and suddenly the light surrounding her disappeared. It was the job of Miradius. He had accidentally cast a light binding capsule spell on her. "I apologize my dear... now, let me see..." She stepped closer to Miradius cautiously-because she thought he might accidentally spell her again-and his eyes widened. 

"I-i-it can't be... I-I cannot believe it. Is this... no way" he muttered. Fei was curious to know what she was and she asked impatiently, "What is it??" Some more people upon seeing her gasped and some of them bowed. Miradius tried to say something...his mouth moved but no voice came out. He finally said, "Y-you are a Smurkin... the only one currently in existence... that I know of."

Fei could not believe it. The only thing she knew about a Smurkin was that they are ultra-rare and that the last known Smurkin was the woman who saved Jupiter. Someone from the audience yelled, "OLD MAN GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT! SMURKINS ARE EXTINCT!"Miradius looked at him and the man (stared at him) and then sat down frightened.

"Will I need a wand if I am a Smurkin?" Fei asked. Miradius shook his head and said, "No no dear. Of course not. Your powers reside within you. You can yield them how you would like"

He then asked Fei to return to his family. "I would like to say a few words" He paused and then continued, "'Creaturae ex his locis in tenebris ... nos postulo vos Deus. Adjuva nos! Si dis placet,' These were the words of Sienna... the last smurkin known...did you know that she was the ruler of Smurkins? She asked for God's help. Why would a person on Jupiter... where for us at that time, there was no belief that God existed... ask for it? She believed that one day someone with a great deal of courage and the ability to yield the powers of a Smurkin would come. It has always been clear to a lot of people of Jupiter that Goblins were forced to attack on Jupiter. She believed that whoever was behind it would be back someday."

"Who? Who was behind it?!?" A young girl (standing next to Fei) asked. Miradius looked at the girl's wide eyes and could see her curiosity to know. "That I am afraid... nobody except the people who existed about 3000 years ago knows. It never came up in manuscripts, never in a painting... never mentioned in the past three millenniums... Miss Salem, I presume?"

"Yes... Elena Salem" she said. Fei looked at her. Elena was a tall girl (taller than Fei who was quite short) with short blonde hair. She looked like a Unicorn-Wizard hybrid and her golden horn (which she could hide at any time) was glowing beautifully. Fei-who was impressed by her curiosity and clear intelligence (which she could find out as she could read minds...surprised herself honestly) tapped her and said, "Hi, I'm Fei... Elena. Nice to meet you. I would love to be friends!" Elena replied, "So would I! I live at 54673 Jotfort lane. Come over someday!" Fei's eyes widened. She said, "OHMIGOD! I live at 54672 Jotfort lane."

The two girls became close friends from that day on. A few days after the ceremony, the girls received their clouds from the school. Both of them were very excited and were dancing around. When...


To be continued...


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