The Story Of Fei Rodriguez

Hello everyone! It's Agent Cheesepuff... welcome back to my blog. It kinda sounds like something a Youtuber would say. I guess I just wanted to copy a very common general youtube "welcome" and put it in a blog form... "Why?" you may ask... I honestly dunno.


Today, I will be sharing a story with you all. Now, this is a completely imagined story and I really hope you all enjoy it. Now, it may be a wee bit big and I might break it up into parts so you possibly might need to wait a bit to find out how it ends... : )

                Part 1: Pilot

Once, there was a Smurkin (pronounced as: S-mi-oor-kin, a smurkin is a creature with immense magical powers and strength...more than that of a wizard) named Sienna Smilitan. This woman had sacrificed her life to save Jupiter from being taken over by Goblins. This all had happened in the year 1001 ce. This all is in the past... let's jump back to the future...

The year is 2107. A young girl named Fei Rodriguez had recently turned 13. She was finally of the age to find out what species she is of. In Jupiter, children do not necessarily have the same species as their parents. Their family is told by a mark on their cheek which appears at birth on the left cheek. A mark comes up on the right cheek upon getting married. The Rodriguez family has the mark of a Unicorn horn on their cheek. Fei was excited. She would now go to the special ceremony and then go to the school where she would be able to learn how to use her powers properly. She wondered what she could be. "Oh! I would give anything to be a rare one... but what if I am a common species? I would be fine with it actually. AAAH!! I AM SO EXCITED!!"

Suddenly, a cloud came into her room. Unlike Earth, the people on Jupiter use special 'clouds' known as 'Messenger Clouds' to transfer messages, letters, etc. The one that came to Fei was from her mother. The cloud came closer and closer to her. It said in a mechanical voice- "PLACE YOUR HAND ON THE BOARD PLEASE" Fei slowly put her hand on the small board that had come out of the cloud that was floating in front of her. It said- "FEI RODRGUEZ RECOGNIZED" then, the voice changed into her mother's and it said "Fei! Get ready quickly. Today is the ceremony. Your father will be downstairs soon. You should indubitably be down in 10 minutes if you want to have some food. QUICK!" 

Her heart started to beat rapidly... she could not believe that she would soon know her species. As of now, she was a human... powerless. She quickly ran to her closet and put on her nicest outfit. In under 10 minutes, she had- combed her hair, brushed her teeth, get dressed, worn her shoes and appeared downstairs, greeted her mother and scarfed down her breakfast, and waited for her father. Upon coming down, he said "Ready?"

They all grabbed hands and closed their eyes. When they opened them, they were at the place of the ceremony. An old man (who looked as if he was over 400 years old) with a long golden beard wearing black clothes-because of which his beard stood out-came out from behind a curtain and levitated himself so that everyone could see him. He took out a piece of wood-which was clearly a wand-and said "WELCOME TO THE 1 MILLIONth CEREMONY OF DEFINING THE SPECIES. As always, I Miradius am your host. Before going any further, I would like to explain the groups. There are several different species groups namely: ultra-common, common, average, rare, and ultra-rare. The species found in each of these groups are
Ultra-Common: Giants, Goblins, Centaurs, Minotaurs, Humans, Werewolves
Common: Werebears, Hare, Fox
Average: Mermaids, Unicorns, Pegasus, Fairies
Rare: Pixies, Alicorns
Ultra-Rare: Smurkins
To date, it has been said that Smurkins are extinct. I believe they are there but at an extremely low quantity. Every year I hope to find one and this year is no different. LET'S BEGIN THE CEREMONY"

One by one, he took the names of the children who stepped up to Miradius who gently tapped them with the tip of his wand and they would transform depending on their species. Finally (after about a hundred children) he said "Rodriguez Fei" She nervously stepped up to Miradius who tapped her on the head gently. The floor beneath her began to glow with the sparkles of all the elements circling around her. She heard Miradius say, "Hmm..." and then she closed her eyes...


  1. Hey Little Girl... was keenly waiting for what this Ultra Rare fantanstic super talented little friend would come up with.....

    God bless you child

    Love your expression

    Your vocabulary is verrry verrry impressive.. I must say

    Loved the way you used..... indubitably.... scarfed down.... levitated

    My sincerest prayers to the Almighty to keep you a merry bundle of joy Little Queen

    Keep writing... you are a delight Little Girl
    Rarer than the Ultra rare....

    1. Thank you so much! My day has definitely been made thanks to your kind and truly encouraging words. : )

  2. Waiting eagerly for what happens next... I love what you write and the way you write... All the best Zara

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Really loved reading and eagerly waiting for whats gona happen next.. love you Zara beta.. keep shining.. God bless you

    1. I too am eager to write ahead. I also want to know what happens next. Thank you so much!

  5. Very well written Zara, eagerly waiting for the rest

  6. God bless u my little star,may ur imagination and creativity increase many folds and may u reach great heights


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